Friday, November 24, 2006

Aren't you an officer of SoD?

Blakk says..
We don't need no stinkin' rez... pull it again NOW...

I know that guild officers work thier butts off to keep large groups of people working together. Before I had evolved from my lizard stage, I was 2nd in line to one of the best group commanders I have had the pleasure to group with, team with, play with, and die next to. But I am still going to post this picture from todays raid.

My mind immediately went back to another infamous dead blakk incident. This picture is a hint... guess where it is before you scroll to the bottom of the post.

Death is part of the game, but blakk takes it to new level, as he ignores the fact that Lord Vyemm has already whacked him.
LARGE file warning

In deference to all that blakk does, I offer the following agreement. If you can answer a question about this picture I will consider not posting more of these....

Q: Which one is Demi?

And now, the answer to the"infamous blakk death location" question... got helicopter??

blakk dies halfway down the elevator shaft into the mine trying to show off his safe fall..

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